
There I see them

One among them is the One

Abel knew that

I will cherish it
it’s a sign
it’s the stone not to be turned

upside down

some of my poems

Una selezione di qualcuno dei miei componimenti poetici in inglese è stata pubblicata su un sito USA…..very proud of that.

Working together

Words slip like fast drops on the glass do.
Try to shut them up
by weeping like a windshield wiper forse.
But they keep on falling.
You have to take care of them.
You must write a poem.
You mean it and ask.
The reader will find the answer.


Mirror mirror in my hand

Will thy beauty ever end?


I am trapped, so unlike the days before the helplessness of modern society, where I was the one who fed my people, where I was free to roam the wilds, dreaming, discovering, thinking, all the while buzzing with joyful energy. But no more, my people to whom I was the providence, they have made their own system, their own food, and left me in the dirt to be alone with my dreams, which shall slowly be forgotten. I am the hunter, the outcast, the dreamer, the creator. I am alive, how could they forget?! But they keep their system, forgetting the old ways from which it was born. I sit at an office and dream of the world, how little I’ve seen, how much I have yet to see, and I die. Not from the world, but those who were once my friends, and how they left us hunters. Alone. Abandoned.

the dark side

There’s a dark side of humanity
we do terrible things to each other
we show also great empathy among us and with nature
there’s another dark side of humanity
it’s the innerself
with no words
with no images
pure love and freedom from all evil
I am pointing to that.

Time has come

Time has come
no more new ideas to spread or to share
Ideas are for doing things
for more power
more money.
Time has come
for words spilling out of my mind.
I am romantic
no romance can ever be a business.
Time has come
for words to flow
into the wind
into the stream.
Words free me up.

the run

When you run
you do not have time to look right and left
You only go forward, as quick as you can
Then you do not have any time to develop your soul
At what age will this soul be born?

Shine on

Your heart beats by intuition,

feels the harmony of the cosmos and of diversity.

You look in every direction and see the future,

the dive before the jump.

You arrive before you leave

Silent clock

You have to hurry,
it’s better to finish
not finishing for the better.
Breathing is difficult,
sweating much easier.
Next time, look for a den,
a secret and dark cave with a warm fen,
where you may be the braver.
Long ago, you spoke up and spoke to burts until someone said -why don’t you shut up!
I did and was able to find magic words,
inner dialogues,
so rich that no hurry will ever breach.